You Don’t Want Just Another Coach

You Want a Partner Who is Just as Invested in Your Success as You Are.

Now, let me share 3 things about me:

  • Every business and business owner is unique and therefore unique strategies are needed to help you get to your next level. What works for one client may not necessarily work the same for another, that’s why my approach to 1:1 business coaching and all things marketing is all about personalization. Whether you’re a coach, consultant, service provider, small business owner or online entrepreneur, your business has unique needs, challenges, and goals. Which is why I invest the time to understand your business and personal goals to create tailored strategies that will help you grow your business the right way, so that your results are both repeatable and sustainable!

  • After 10 years in business and helping hundreds of clients along the way (while raising 3 children, re-locating twice and having my fair share of life stuff) I’ve seen every ebb and flow you can imagine. I love experimenting with new strategies and learning from the best of the best, so trust me when I say there’s pretty much nothing you can bring to me that I haven’t already personally experienced or haven't helped one of my clients with.

  • When we work together, I won’t just be another voice telling you what to do. I’ll be your partner—fully invested in your business growth, success, and freedom.Whether it’s refining your marketing strategy, optimizing sales funnels, or getting your operations to run smoothly, my goal is to help you create a business that works for you—not the other way around. After all, you’re not building this thing to be a slave to it 24/7… you’re building your business to help you fund your freedom

If you’re reading this…I know three things about you:

  • You believe in what you have to offer and you’re genuinely want to make a difference in people's lives through your products or services

  • You’re here for the long run and you want to build a brand and business that reflects your unique skills, strengths and passions…and you want to do it with integrity and in a way that honors your personal life and time outside of your business

  • Or courses, agencies, programs and masterminds but what you’re really craving is DEEP support, collaboration and partnership to get you to your next level

If that sounds about right, then I’m so glad we’ve found each other..because you and I are a lot alike. 

I’ve been where you are. I spent years working tirelessly, showing up consistently and doing whatever it took to get the results I wanted but didn’t have the freedom or time to enjoy the success I was working so hard for. 

Despite investing an insane amount of time and money in my business, It still felt like I wasn’t hitting the levels of success I knew I was capable of.

I felt like the output (what I was putting out)  never quit matched the input (what I was making).

Let’s build a growth strategy that works with your life, not against it.

 Ready to Build a Business

Designed for Long-Term Growth, Freedom, and Ease?

90 Day Done-With You Ads & Marketing

This plan is for the business owner who wants to learn how to run ads themselves and would like coaching, support and feedback from an expert along the way.This plan allows you to create your own assets and manage your own ads (with our expert guidance and feedback) My team and I are always here to support you to ensure you’re on the right track and not wasting time or money on things that will not lead to results. It is is perfect for the person who wants to be more hands on.


  • (9) 30-minute one-on-one calls with me (3 calls per month plus one week for implementation)

  • 60 Min Kick off intensive strategy session to map out marketing plan and ads strategy (including detailed funnel mapping and creative direction)

  • Bi-weekly funnel audits

  • Weekly access to me via Trello, Voxer/WhatsApp between calls so that we can connect, celebrate, answer questions, and move you forward faster.

  • Relevant templates, materials, and other content tailored to you and your growth so that you have exactly what you need to move forward the fastest

Investment: $1,200/month for 3 months


Working with Safia was without a question one of the best investments I have ever made. Safia taught me what it takes to not only launch with a bang but to also keep the momentum flowing moving forward. I highly recommend this program if you are serious about creating a coaching business.

Vinny P - Addiction & Recovery Coach

Safia not only provides me with the tools to launch my programs step by step, but also gave me the confidence and courage to actually take the steps and get myself out there.

Joanna H, Financial Coach

I’ve learned so much.

I’ve gotten clear on how to speak to my ideal clients, and gained the confidence to price my programs for what they are worth.

Safia has so much knowledge and what I have learned from her has stopped me from buying program after program because there is no need. #gamechanger

Melissa J, Life & Confidence

As a result of working with Safia, I was able to nail my niche, create branding and visibility on social media platforms, craft marketing message for my website that would help me add value to client’s lives and create offers that led to more calls from potential clients.

Joanna H, Financial Coach